Homework Every student will shudder if he hears this terrible word. For our young generation homework is a kind of sadistic torture. Teachers and parents dont understand teens, and teens dont understand teachers and parents. Sounds like a conflict of generations, doesnt it? And  one of the main reasons is homework.

 What is homework? How do we do it? Why dont we do it? What do our teachers and students think about it? Lets find out everything, that is  not clear to us!!

 First of all, what is homework? Its a VERY BIG list of exercises, which is to be done at home. Every student suffers from this number of work to do. Compositions, exercises, projects, paragraphs, poems and books to read oh, thats impossible!!! But our Physics teacher said in her interview: In my opinion they have standard homework, but I realize that sometimes it can be rather hard. And Natalia Polyakova from Minsk Gymnasium#1answered: Some pupils say that teachers think only about their lessons and give too many things to do sometimes I feel the same!

 So, what eats up our time? Why cant we come home and sit down with our books and notes and begin to study? Olya said: You know, Im a very busy person. I practise basketball and play the piano, by the way I like to visit cinemas, theatres, watch TV and play computer games. Also I have a lot a lot of the things to do at home to help my mum. I have to walk  my dog and I need to talk to my friends. One of our students agreed with her: I prefer not to do my homework immediately, Id like to have a bit of rest, to relax, just to do nothing.

 Yes, teens have to have a rest. Just because of your organism, which needs rest, sleep and sport exercises. But this is not the only reason We can sleep at night, have a rest while reading and interesting and useful book, sport exercises take not so many time. We can talk to our friends during the breaks while doing homework, go to cinemas and cafes at the weekends and we can find time to do something for our soul. So whats the matter?

 Today students cant arrange their time and find out what is better for them. Our statistics says that 35% of teens spend 2 hours a day playing computer games, 40% of pupils read books not connected with school for an hour, 75% listen to music, watch TV and talk to their friends for an hour and practicing music and sports take our students 2,5 hours a day. Natalia Polyakova sent us her list of negative factors for our homework:

1. Students are very lazy

2. Students are very negligent

3. Students are very unorganized

4. Students dont understand the rule

5. Students dont have a possibility to do their homework

6. Students dont know what to do

 Yes, thats also true! Im a student too and I cant but agree with this. But these factors and this statistics are not the only opinions in our collection. Helen asked her relatives what is the reason of problems with homework. Some of them said that its a problem of contemporary teens. Some of them think its because of an enormously difficult school programme.

 You can see that the opinions are different. But we have to solve this problem because its getting worse every year. Teachers and students have to do something about it. Helen proposes this way of solving the problem of homework: We have to work out progressive methods of teaching so that children learn the greater amount of material at the lesson and of course get less homework, teach our children how to arrange their time and study on their own. It was a call for our teachers. And what can we say to students? One of our girls ( Dasha Tarasevich) asked her Granny for  advice. Thats what her Granny said: Nowadays there are a lot of things which are more interesting than homework. So pupils must choose what is more important for them.

 And I can only add one small line Create love, not war!!! Especially between students and teachers :)


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